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Himalayan Sheep Dog

Note: If you have this breed, or know   anyone who does, please send a good profile photograph of the Dog (without humans in the background). We shall publish it on this page with credits. You can send it either by e-mail or post.

The Mountain sheep dogs of ancient times spread from northern India across Central Asia into Europe. It is believed that India's Bangara Mastiff and Bhotia are in fact the same breed - The Himalayan Sheep Dog.  It is a muscular, robust and efficient guard Dog. It is still used as a herder but is also a companion dog. It weighs 23-41 kgs and is about 51-60 cms in height. It maybe in a variety of colours.

Picture: Roxy. Sent by Rajat Bisht, email:

Breeders' List

There are no breeders listed currently under this breed. If you know any dog owner/ breeder having this breed, please tell them to get listed with us. Mail to: