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Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

: If you have this breed, or know  anyone who does, please send a good profile photograph of the Dog (without humans in the background). We shall publish it on this page with credits. You can send it either by e-mail or post.

This is an ideal urban companion willing to be indoors as well as run for miles together when needed. Intensive inbreeding has led to problems and it is important to check the medical history of the parents. This dog is a descendant of the King Charles spaniel but has a longer nose. It weighs 5-8 kgs and is about 31-33 cms tall. The colours are blenheim, ruby, black/tan and tricoloured.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel-DI.jpg (7793 bytes)

Breeders' List

Sanram's presenting a very exotic Blenheim Cavalier King Charles Spaniel litter Sired by Chocolate who is the son of International champion Angel Udachi Dzheyson. Click here to See Litter Box, Photographs. Puppies are around 7 weeks old at the time of advertisement. First vaccine (vanguard plus) and two De-worming doses already done. Puppies be available to new homes after they are 8 weeks old.
Contact: Santhosh (Bangalore): +91-90358-00500
(Listing First Posted on 15th July 2021 - Renewable on 15th July 2022) - Cavalier King Charles Spaniel - Sanrams