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Border Collie

Note: If you have this breed, or know   anyone who does, please send a good profile photograph of the Dog (without humans in the background). We shall publish it on this page with credits. You can send it either by e-mail or post.

This is the most popular working sheep dog in Great Britain and Ireland. It can be an affectionate dog but does not adapt well to city life. They have a strong predatory instinct and need constant stimulation to work. It has a dense but shiny top coat. It is used widely in sheep dog trials. It weighs 14-22 kgs and is about 46-54 cms tall.

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Breeders' List

Vishal Kulria: We house true to type Border Collies Imported from New Zealand. They are brought up in a natural environment in our home at Jaipur, Rajasthan. We currently have an exciting litter for sale. Click here to see Litter Box, Photographs of Puppies and Parents.
Please note: We have chosen not to register the dogs with the Kennel Club of India (KCI). Our Border Collie sire and dam have certificates from New Zealand. For more details contact:
Vishal Kulria, (Jaipur, Rajasthan): Phone: 9588310478
(Listing First Posted on 29th October 2023. Listing Renewable on 29th October 2024)  Border Collie  Vishal