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WARNING: This compilation is not to be reproduced without permission from Mr. Sanjit Kumar Mohanty.

Impressions of German Sieger Show 2011


Sanjit Kumar Mohanty


Remo vom Fichtenschlag.jpg                Jaci vom Eichenplatz va-1.jpg  Sieger Remo vom Fichtenschlag                                                                          Siegerin Jaci vom Eichenplatz


The annual Sieger Show 2011 (the world championship of German Shepherd Dogs) was supposed to be held in Braunschweig. But, due to some administrative issues related to dates, the last year's venue, the new Credit Stadium, Nurnberg, Germany, was retained for this year's show as well.


The show was held from the 2nd to 4th September, 2011. The weather was warm and sunny.


The new stadium was used as follows:

2nd September, 2011 (Friday) - Bite work test for open male and female class

3rd September, 2011 (Saturday) - Progeny groups parade

4th September, 2011 (Sunday) - Open male and female class confirmation ring


The adjacent old stadium was used for individual standing and competition of youth and young classes. It also had rings for long haired dogs with undercoat. As the -long haired dogs with undercoat' has been approved and introduced by SV, this breed variety will be seen as a separate class from now on.

The different classes were judged as follows:

-         Youth male class - Mr. Gunter Schwedes

-         Youth female class - Mr. Heinz Sheerer

-         Young male class - Mr. Lutz Wischalla

-         Young female class - Mr. Bernhard Norda

-         Open male class - Mr. Reinhardt Meyer

-         Open female class - Mr. Hans-Peter Rieker

-         Long-haired with undercoat (all classes) - Mr. Wilfried Scheld

-         Kennel group - Mr. Henning Setzer

-         Bite work (Open male class) - Mr. Jurgen Maibuchen

-         Bite work (Open female class) - Mr. Klaus Bartnik


The open male class bite work judge, Mr. Jurgen Maibuchen, was lenient and not consistent in awarding points. Yet, 28 males failed in the test. Some of the top males that failed in the bite work are as follows:

-         Kanto von der Karl-may Hohle (last year's V 15)

-         Hippi Creveni Mayestoso (last year's V 34)

-         Xen vom Heerbusch (last year's young class SG 14)

-         Wallaby vom Kapellenberg (last year's young class SG 9)

-         Homar Dei Colli Di Uzzano (youth class SG 2 2009)

-         Mork Dei Profeti

-         Maestro De Quevedo

-         Lumpi von der Barenschlucht (last year's youth class SG 7)

-         Ritchie vom Eichenplatz (last year's young class SG 11)

-         Bix von Arlett (last year's V 15)

-         Arex von der Wihelmswarte (last year's VA)

-         Hill vom Hause Monika

-         Vigu von der Urbecke


I was not impressed by the bite work of VA 9, Lennox von Reginapacis. He was definitely soft at the sleeve and, if I remember correctly, the helper did not put a stick to him. Also, the bite work of V4 Etoo aus Wattenscheid was poor.


The open female class bite work judge, Mr. Klaus Bartnik, was absolutely correct and exact in his judgment. 61 females failed in the test. Some of the top females that failed in the bite work are as follows:

-         Fendi vom Agilofinger

-         Cicciolina Feetback

-         Dascha vom Emkendorfer Park

-         Orly di Casa Beggiato

-         Annika von der Zanteiche

-         Niki di Casa Beggiato

-         Diva vom Asics

-         Emma du Val D' Anzin

-         Xilla vom Girndorfer Gauner

-         Grace vom Frankengold

-         Chira del Frutteto

-         Zambia degli Achei

-         Jessica degli Achei

-         Osaka del Seprio


The youth class was judged by senior judge Mr. Gunter Schwedes. He is a successful breeder with the kennel prefix Wihelmswarte. In his class, the top dogs were of normal wither, good pigmentation and medium to over-medium size.









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Labo vom Schollweiher


The winner Labo vom Schollweiher is an Arex von der Wihelmswarte son. Labo is a darkly pigmented, expressive dog with rich tan marking and a very dark mask over his head. He is an over-medium size dog with correct height to length proportion, normal wither and strong hocks. Labo has moderate hind angulation and slightly deep brisket proportions. The front angles are correct. He turns his front feet slightly outwards. Labo is line-bred on Karma vom Ochsentor (4-2), Ursus von Batu (5-4) and Jango vom Frustenberg (5-5). Before the Sieger Show, Labo was shown five times and was always placed first. His litter brother Larus was SG 13 in the same class.




Yankee vom Feurmelder                                                            Youth male class winners

In the youth class, the vice sieger (SG 2) was Yankee vom Feurmelder, a Joker vom Eichenplatz son. Yankee comes from a very good-producing mother, Amanda am Seeteich. Amanda has produced this year's V 30 in the open class, Willi am Seeteich. Yankee is correct, absolute medium size, with very good bone strength, excellent expression, proportion, very correct overline with exemplary front and hind angulation. I would like the underline to be better. For me, he is an absolute correct dog with great temperament. He is line-bred on Eros von der Luisenstrase (5-5). Before the Sieger Show, he was shown successfully in five local shows, winning the first place four times and third place once. His litter brother Yester was SG 17 in the same class. Also, his litter sister Yakimo was SG 2 and another sister Yakira was SG 40 in the youth female class.


The SG 3 Elim vom Overledinngerland is sired by VA Paer vom Hasenborn. A beautifully constructed male, he is probably the best Paer son in recent times. He is a big, strong, masculine dog with very good overline, firm hocks and he moves well. For me, he is the best bet for next year's open male class considering his bloodline and anatomical virtues. Elim is line bred on Ursus von Batu (4, 5-5), Rikkor von Bad-Boll (4-4, 5), Ulk von Arlett (5, 5-5). This is an interesting and open bloodline for breeders to use their females.


Apart from the above dogs, the following entries from the class impressed me:

-         SG 6 Avatar von Media

-         SG 7 Pacco vom Langenbungert

-         SG 12 Mailo vom Kuckucksland

-         SG 20 Sonik della Valle dei Rovi

-         SG 21 Filpp vom Adelschlag

-         SG 25 Gaban Team Gleisenauer Schlos

-         SG 27 Irko Nivalda


The youth female class was judged by Mr. Heinz Sheerer who was the past breed warden.  His kennel prefix is Huhnegrab. Mr. Sheerer chose females that are big sized, substantial and slightly stretched.


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Sydney vom Pendler                                                              Youth female class winners


The winner of this class was Sydney vom Pendler. She is this year's open class Sieger Remo's daughter. Sydney's mother is top-producing female Korsika vom Pendler who is sired by Vegas. Last year, Korsika produced youth male class Sieger Dano von der Ostfriesischen Thingstatte. Before the Sieger Show, Sydeny was shown six times in the puppy class, under different judges. She won the first position every time. For the very first time, she was shown in the youth class in the Sieger Show. Sydney is substantial, darkly pigmented, big-sized female with very good over and excellent underline. She led the class convincingly with her effortless walking. Sydney is line-bred on Jango vom Furstenberg (5-5). She has a top-winning litter sister Shakire Pendler, who was SG 19 in the same class.


The vice siegerin from this class, Yakimo vom Feuermelder is a Joker vom Eichenplatz and Amanda am Seeteich daughter. Yakimo comes from a top-winning litter. Her two brothers Yankee and Yester are highly placed in the youth class. Her litter sister Yakira was SG 40 in the female youth class. Yakimo is a medium-sized, feminine, well constructed female with very good front reach.


The other females from the class that impressed me were as follows:


-         SG 4 Quenna von Regina Pacis

-         SG 5 Faya vom Adelschlag

-         SG 12 Flora du Val D Anzin

-         SG 13 Milla vom Kuckucksland

-         SG 19 Shakire vom Pendler

-         SG 33 Pia vom Hirschmorgen

-         SG 138 Malika D Ulmental


The young male class was judged by Mr. Lutz Wischalla of Kennel Eichenplatz.


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Team Marlboro Harley                                                            Young male class winners

The winner in this class was Team Marlboro Harley. His sire is Team Marlboro Jaguar. Before the Sieger Show, he was successfully shown four times in Germany. He is bred in Denmark. He is line-bred on Ulk Arlett (5-4). He is a darkly pigmented, slightly stretched male with a dark mask over the head. He has excellent front angulation, normal wither, a markedly sloping croupe, with very good hind angulation and broad thighs. He impresses in the first gait, but there is more to be desired in the slow walk. For me, he has a very deep forechest.


The SG 2 Cobra d Ulmental, a Sieger Remo's son, impressed me for his anatomical virtues and correct construction. He is line-bred on Jango Frustenberg (5-5). His litter sister Clea was SG 3 in the young female class. If he clears the bite work next year, I see him being highly placed in the open male class. For me, he is the winner of this class.


The other males that impressed me from this class were as follows:

-         SG 3 Luca von der Wihelmswarte - He is very glamorous and has tremendous ring presence.

-         SG 6 Illiano vom Fichtenschlag

-         SG 10 Roy del Reventino

-         SG 13 Dasty von Melanchthon

-         SG 14 Naxos vom Frankengold

-         SG 19 Bruno di Ca's San Marco

-         SG 22 Rocco von der Karlmay Hohle


The judging for this class could have been more consistent. Among the top twenty from this class, I don't foresee many of the dogs being placed high next year.


The young female class was judged by Mr. Bernhard Norda. This was his last Sieger Show judging assignment as he would be turning seventy this year. Mr. Norda is a well respected judge and his kennel name is Klostermoor. Most of the top females in this class were large and powerful.

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Elari vom Huhnegrab                                                                Young female class winners

The winner of this class was Elari vom Huhnegrab. A Dux de Intercanina daughter, Elari is line-bred on Yasko vom Farbenspiel (5-3) and Hubby vom Gletschertopf (5-5). Before the Sieger Show, Elari was shown seven times and won the first place each time. Elari is strong, substantial, and expressive with very good height-to-length proportions. She has a good front and very good hind angulation. The centre of her back is slightly raised. Elari moved beautifully both in the walk and fast gait phases. In the future, I foresee Elari to be a very good producing female.


The SG 2 Eyla vom Winnloh is again a Dux de Intercanina daughter. She is line-bred on Haus vom Larchenhain (4,5-4) and Max della Loggia di Marcanti (5,5). She was shown many times before the Sieger Show with high placings. For me, Eyla is a very large female with good anatomy. I would prefer the mask over the head and the saddle to be darker. She is a good runner.


The SG 3 in this class Clea de Ulmental is my personal favorite. She is a litter sister to young male class vice sieger Cobra de Ulmental. She is the perfect female with very good expression, is well angulated in the front and behind. Her movement was correct and ground coverage was spacious.


The following other females from the class impressed me:


-         SG 5 Dschinie vom Osterberger-Land

-         SG 6 Daisy von Melanchthon

-         SG 10 Enby du Val D'Anzin

-         SG 13 Ronja vom Schlos Rugland

-         SG 21 Ulzana von Heinrichplatz


According to me, many of the females in this class were over the size limit, and lacked feminity.


The open female class was judged by senior, experienced judge Mr. Hans-Peter Rieker of Kennel Bad-boll. He emphasized on good bone strength, correct size, normal wither and normal rear angulation.



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Jaci vom Eichenplatz                                                              Open female class winners

The winner from this class was VA 1 Jaci vom Eichenplatz, sired by VA Yukon von der Bastillia and her mother is VA Alisha vom Eichenplatz. Jaci was VA 4 in 2009 Sieger show at Ulm. She is line-bred on Hill vom Farbenspiel (2-3). Jaci is of correct size and is very feminine. She was presented in top condition. With her excellent expression and proportion, she walked effortlessly and convincingly in the fast gait, to win this class.


The VA 2 Nathalie von Alcudia is a large female sired by last year's Sieger Ober von Bad-boll. Nathalie was VA 9 at last year's Sieger Show in Nurnberg. She is line-bred on Ursus von Batu (4-4) and Shanto's Xano (5-4). Nathalie is big, strong, slightly stretched, with a very dark mask over the head. She walked effortlessly, although she could have done better in the first gait.


The VA 3 was Xara von der Zenteiche. She is very beautiful, feminine and is sired by VA Furvo degli Achei. Xara was VA 8 last year. She has a great attitude combined with excellent movement.


The other females from the class that impressed me are as follows:


-         VA 4 Xsilke aus der Brunnenstrase

-         VA 5 Frau di Xenevredo

-         VA 9 Fenia de Los Madriles

-         VA 12 Melci vom Messina

-         V 2 Nani vom Wiedeck

-         V 3 Lara von Regina Pacis

-         V 8 Dana du Val D'Anzin


This year's open male class saw many new dogs in the VA status (as four VA dogs from last year retired and one VA dog died). From the top 30 V-rated dogs of last year, around 16 were absent.


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Remo vom Fichtenschlag                                                                                            Open male class winners


Last year's vice sieger Remo vom Fichtenschlag was the open class male sieger this year. As I had rightly predicted in my last article, -Impressions of the 2010 German Sieger Show', (---I hope that during the coming year, he will have the best progeny group and ultimately win the deserving crown of Sieger.-), I was proud to see Remo win his well deserved place due to his superior producing capability. Remo has been my personal favorite. He is a dog with faultless anatomy and absolute harmony. It is a pleasure to see that he has produced a number of quality progeny and top winners this year, in the youth and young classes.

Some of Remo's top winning progeny from young male class, are as follows:

-         SG 2 Cobra d Ulmental

-         SG 6 Illiano vom Fichtenschlag

-         SG 13 Dasty von Melanchthon

-         SG 17 Untox vom Ichenplatz

-         SG 37 Ursus von Panoniansee

-         SG 44 Duxo von der Pistetrophe

-         SG 58 Denzel von Melanchthon


In the young female class, following are Remo's top winning progeny:

-         SG 3 Clea d Ulmental

-         SG 6 Daisy von Melanchthon

-         SG 8 Bianka vom Osterbergerland

-         SG 9 Quena vom Pendler

-         SG 16 Unique vom Eichenplatz

-         SG 33 Fiby Zenteiche


In the youth male class, some of Remo's top winning progeny are as follows:

-         SG 7 Pacco vom Langenbungert

-         SG 10 Hutsch vom Larchenhain

-         SG 18 Whisky von der Wasserkuppe

-         SG 54 Juri vom Stieglerhof

-         SG 32 Arik vom Nordteich


In the youth female class, some of Remo's top winning progeny are as follows:

-         SG 1 (Youth Siegerin) Sydney vom Pendler

-         SG 12 Flora du Val D' Anzin

-         SG 19 Shakire vom Pendler

-         SG 37 Panja vom Langenbungert

-         SG 50 Fidjy du Val D' Anzin


In the open male class, Omen Radhaus was V 1. Omen is last year's youth class SG 2 and is a Remo son.


Remo's bite work this year was far superior in comparison to last year. Also, he displayed great movement in the walking phase as well as in the leash-free phase, though his first gait could have been better. He was presented and handled well. In the years to come, I foresee him leaving his mark through his superior progeny. He will be remembered as a great producer, much like Uran, Odin, Jeck, Ursus and Vegas.


The VA 2 Quattro von der Partnachklamm was last year's VA 9. A Zamp vom Thermodos son, he presented the progeny group for the first time. Quattro moved to this position because of his attitude and running ability in the fast gait.


The VA 3 Ustinov vom Romerland was last year's VA 7. After the individuals, he was placed second; but, he lost one place after the first gait due to lack of willingness.


Other than the Sieger, the following dogs from the VA category impressed me with their performance:

-         VA 6 Paer vom Hassenborn

-         VA 7 Mentos vom Osterbergerland

-         VA 9 Lennox von Reginapacis

-         VA 10 Hagadahls Figo

I am hopeful that the above four dogs will produce well in the near future.


The following V rated dogs impressed me with their performance in the ring:



                                                         Omen von Radhaus 

-         V 1 Omen von Radhaus - Although he was unwell before the show, he made a good picture on the move.

-         V 3 Yoker vom Westervenn

-         V 6 Seeback's Nash

-         V 12 Paer Blue-iris

-         V 13 Enosch.V. Amasis

-         V 17 Eastor Team Gleisenauerschlos

-         V 21 Gerry val Heiko

-         V 26 Rockdel Catone

-         V 29 Zorro vom Ritterberg

-         V 30 Willi am Seeteich


This year, I was not pleased with the progeny group presented by the following dogs:

-         VA 3 Ustinov vom Romerland - Most of his children were stretched and were of big size.

-         VA 8 Peik vom Holtkamperhof - Most of his children were of the right size but they had all deep brisket proportions. During movement, they all tend to open their elbows.

-         V 2 Koby von Fidelius - Although the progeny were of the right size, they lacked fore-reach and most of them had short underchest.

-         Geck di Casa Nobili  - The progeny were big, deeply bodied with faulty expression, had a pronounced stop on the forehead, loose lips and lacked hind thrust.

-         Renzo vom Holtkampersee - The progeny had normal wither and good proportion but were loose in the elbows and were falling in  the front. Most of them had a short underline.


As mentioned earlier, I was impressed by the progeny of Sieger Remo vom Fichtenschlag. He was represented by many beautiful males and females in different classes.


The other progeny group that I think is worth mentioning is Furvo Degliachei. A VA Quenn son, Furvo was represented by the following, among others:

-         VA 10 Hagadahls Figo (open male class)

-         V 14 Fulz di Zenevredo (open male class)

-         V 16 Ziko della Vignazzola (open male class)

-         VA 3 Zara von der Zenteiche (open female class)

-         VA 5 Frau di Zenevredo (open female class)

-         VA 7 Vendi von der Piste Trophe (open female class)

-         V 4 Lisa von Bad-boll (open female class)

-         V 7 Mia vom Timohaus (open female class)

-         V 22 Cherry vom Leithawald (open female class)

-         V 25 Emilla vom Fichtenschlag (open female class)

-         V 48 Miss vom Timohaus (open female class)


Furvo's progeny were phenotype with excellent movement and pigmentation. Considering that three VA females and one VA male are his progeny, his progeny group is successful.


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Joker vom Eichenplatz                                                                     Dux von der Glockenheide

The last group that I would like to mention is that of Joker vom Eichenplatz. He produced many top winners this year. His progeny were of correct size, strong, with very good expression. They had correct wither height, and firm hocks.


According to me, some of the other dogs whose progeny groups hold great promise are as follows:

-         Dux von der Glockenheide

-         Kanto von der Karl-May Hohle

-         Paer vom Hasenborn

-         Nelson vom Frankengold


Apart from the above mentioned dogs, the stud dogs like VA Sultan von der Jahnhohe, Xersis vom Osterbergerland, VA Quattro von der Partnachklamm, Yerom vom Haus Salihin, Hatto vom Huhnegrab, Tyson vom Kotterbush, Wegas vom Fichtenschlag, VA Arex von der Wilhelmswarte, Gigolo von der Barenschlucht, Nino von Tronje, Ober von Bad-boll presented their progeny.


This year was very interesting as SV has approved and introduced the -long haired dogs with undercoat' variety to be shown as a separate class. This happened because even after more than hundred years of evolution of the German Shepherd Dog breed, breeders were not able to control and prevent the long-hair gene factor presence from their breeding. Most of these long haired dogs with undercoat have good pigmentation, bone strength and a dark mask over the head. As per SV guidelines, these dogs can attain obedience titles like AD, BH, SCH and can be breed surveyed. But these dogs can only be bred to long-haired with undercoat variety. If a long-hair with undercoat puppy is born from a normal coat parent, the puppy will be registered under the long-hair with undercoat class.


In the youth females class of this variety, there were 20 females. All of them were graded SG (very good). The winner of this class Elli vom Haus Dierich, a Renzo vom Hooltkamper See daughter. The vice siegerin was Ondra von der Orangeri, a last year's sieger Ober von Bad-boll daughter.


The youth male class winner of this variety was Bryan v Bono Vox. He is sired by Vegas du Haut Mansard. The vice sieger in this class was Pedro vom Langenbungert, who is this year's sieger Remo's son and litter brother to SG 7 from the normal coat youth male class Pacco vom Langenbungert. This class had 18 dogs present, 16 of which were graded SG (very good) and two were graded G.


In the young female class of this variety, there were five exhibits. All were graded SG. The winner from this class was Unick vom St-Michaels-Berg.


In the young male class of this variety, there were nine exhibits. All were graded SG. The winner was Parko v. Schwarzaugen, a Pakros d Ulmental son. The vice sieger from this class was Imperio vom Bierstadter Hof, who is sired by Furvo degli Achei.


In the open female class, there were seven exhibits. Six were graded V. One female failed in the bite work and hence could not compete. There was no VA grading for this class.


In the open male class, 17 dogs were exhibited. One dog failed in the bite work. Another dog took an excuse (EZ) from the ring. From the rest of the fifteen dogs, fourteen were graded V.


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                                 VA 1 (Long hair with undercoat male class) Rico aus dem Aurum Zwinger 


Rico aus dem Aurum Zwinger created history by attaining the first VA title in the long-hair with undercoat variety. Rico is sired by Edol vom Holtkamper Hof. He is a big, stretched dog with very good angulations in front and behind. He moved exceptionally well and was the true deserving winner of the VA title.  


The kennel group was represented by 18 kennels. The top three kennel positions went to the following:

-         First -  Vom Fichtenschlag, Breeder Marco Osmann

-         Second - Vom Larchenhain, Breeder Mr. Helmut Bus

-         Third - Von der Zenteiche, Breeder Christoph Ludwig 


The open male class exhibits that excelled in the bite work and were honoured are as follows:

-         Fedo Mir-Jar

-         Cayman von der Brunnenklinge

-         Uranus vom Friedenspark

-         Orka von der Urbecke

-         Quno von der Plassenburg

-         Nike von der Mausespitz

-         Ivan vom Gernkogel

-         Nilo von der Falkenkanzel

-         Hoogan vom Vorderhain

-         Miro vom Wallerhorst

-         Batorfia Black

-         Zoro vom Anrachtal

-         Coronos d Ulmental

-         Harro von Wunschbachtal


The open female class exhibits that excelled in the bite work and were honoured are as follows:

-         Abby von Porta Principalis Dextra

-         Arriva vom Agilulf

-         Quana von der Biberfalle

-         Flocke von Weco

-         Bonny vom Schloss Balgheim

-         Cimba vom Noricom

-         Para vom Schlos Weiler

-         Alexa vom Prinzenrain-Team

-         Wisconsin von Beluga

-         Pia von den Papensteinen

-         Lana von der Glucksgrube

-         Jaci vom Eichenplatz

-         Henni von der Brossmerhohe


Next year, I hope that Omen Radhaus, Yoker vom Westervenn, Seebacks Nash, and Anosch.v.Amasis will do even better. From the VAs, I look forward to the performance of Sultan, Mentos, Lennox and Figo.


The Sieger Show in 2012 will be held in Ulm. See you there!